Sakakah Well, its the beginning of out stretch of holiday comics and what better way to start it off then by doing a Freaky Friday or Visa Versa with 2 of the greatest Christmas movie characters. Really the idea came from our good friend Travis (A.K.A. Trevor). While playing Halo he started yelling that they were the same movie. I laughed and said there we go our first comic. I also want to say that I am fully aware that Always Sunny did the greatest parody of Die Hard that has or ever will be done and Chuck did a decent one too. I said to my self “to hell with that!” they never had Kevin Mcalister at the ready to end Hans Grueber with a turantla. Also note that we do have merch for sale for any Gentlemen fans out there with daily sales on Zazzle. Alright enough whoring around for me.

SandÅ«r James “I’ll go easy on the Pepsi when I’m dead” Alvarez