Skull Beneath The Skin Dear readers,
can you buy prednisone in canada What I am about to tell you will change your life and rock you to the very core. If you are easily frightened or susceptible to passing out, please turn back now. A few nights ago, while perusing the internet, I came across some information that not only shocked me, but altered my very perception of what we call life. Ladies and gentlemen, within each and every one of us are…is a…SKELETON!!! Ladies and gentlemen, I beg you to remain calm and listen to my words. The creepy, spooky menace known only as Skeletons, have been hiding inside of us, and by current estimates they have been for thousands of years. As of now there is no known way of ridding ourselves of them, but we are advised to remain calm, and in no way are we to try and commune with the marrow filled terrors. Pass the information on to your friends and loved ones and remember…be careful and be safe.
-Aaron “Kal” Alvarez
I just pulled the skin off my face and by god you are right
I didn’t want to believe it….
None of us ever do…
At least he can’t see the skeleton, but it is always close by.
Always waiting…watching…plotting.
Oh my gosh!!!! NOOOOO!!!!! I am going into a panic attack right now!!! Gotta get it out, gotta get it out!!! OK, stay calm… I know I’m going to my local butcher, I’m sure he can help
You must fight it! DON’T LET IT GET YOU!!!
I can feel it in there trying to break free AAAIIIIEEEEE!!!!!!
It’s really only frightening if you let your skeleton out.
I named mine Rob…..I’m lonely…so lonely…
You named it…now you’ll never get rid of it.
Damn it…now I’m scared too.
Good, fear mean you’re still alive!
Thanks for putting that in my head.
Any my morning was going so well too…
Just doing my civic duty!