I’ve probably read the Watchmen 8 times and seen the movie just as many if not more. The Watchmen is what got me back into comics awhile ago just like a lot of others. But can we all admit that Rorschach is a crazy hobo who read too many Batman comics? Now you may have a million reasons as to why I’m wrong but the bastard eats cold beans. Nobody but crazed homeless people eat beans in this way! I also asked Aaron to draw this in a more old school Dave Gibbons style to match the original Watchmen art better. With that being said don’t you dare heat up Rorschach’s beans. He would rather die!


Also if you’re on the twitter follow buy Latuda online reddit @bizarrostanlee . He’s the funniest parody Twitter character there is and brightens my day with his dildo filled jokes about the comic book industry.


James “I actually like the Black Freighter” Alvarez