how to buy prednisone from canada Mallville Rules is Saved by the Bell with Superheroes if Saved by the Bell wasn’t a pile of shit and had clever writing. Being a fan of comic books I have come to love these characters from their original incarnations done by creator Gary Cohen and their more recent versions with art from the great Mike Shea. I first came into the buy Gabapentin australia Mallville Universe when I was attacked on twitter by Mr. Cohen’s always on point humor. He smacked me in the face with his verbal genitalia and ever since then I’ve become a big fan of Mallville Rules. Listen to these two masterminds talk about their creation and how they may one day murder each other just for sport. Do yourself a favor and follow these whores in all manner of social media they hang out on.
The OG: What brought you two bastards together to create the Mallville Universe? Love or some other sordid origin story?
G: Well, I’ve been writing about the characters in Mallville since I was in high school. All of them are based on my childhood friends. I did Mallville solo for about 9 months. But it was just too much work. And I can’t really draw which is a distinct disadvantage. I put an ad on Craigslist and found the most amazing artist. But that didn’t work out. So, then I found Mike.
M: I had some downtime between my MOMA retrospective and my upcoming re-paint of the Sistine Chapel so I figured I’d give this whole comics thing a shot. Gary lucked out with the timing really.