And there it is: The final Obscure Gentlemen comic. The one that ends it all. After this, there shall be no more… from me, that is. Meaning that while there are still a few more great comics left in this old girl, none of them will be from me after today.

Rosarito First, I’d like to take a second to thank the Brothers Alvarez for allowing me to be a part of this sick, twisted outing known as The Obscure Gentlemen Web Comic, I am grateful for this opportunity to expose my sick and damaged psyche to you lovely folks. Seriously, the pleasure’s been all on this side of the table.

Second, about today’s bitter sweet comic. I had always wanted to do a callback to my second comic ever written (what I truly consider as my first comic, because, really, that other one doesn’t count). The comic I’m referring to is, of course, number 120, “I’ll Be In My Bunk”. Then, when it was decided that the comic would end, I suddenly had my idea and it would be a perfect way to bring about some closure: a sequel in the vein of the children’s classic, The Velveteen Rabbit .

Once again, thank you all for reading. And remember that I’ll be missed.

Travis “Yes, I have read a book. Try not to faint.” Kennedy