Today’s comic is a tweet we turned into a comic. Marta, AKA @Poutymcgee was generous and donated money to the to buy isotretinoin Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation. Go over to her twitter account today and check out her Twitter timeline.

Original Tweets:

Zombie Apocalypse – Day 467: The new group told me to leave because I refused to go on a recon mission with Sue due to her “shitty perm”.

Zombie Apocalypse Day 470: Jared is pissed at me for using his dead brothers machete to chop up his bed for fire wood.

Zombie Apocalypse Day 472: We all went looting today. I hit the jackpot with a magnum of wine. The group are angry as I’m drunk. Squares.

Zombie Apocalypse Day 475: I used all the bottled water to fill up the kiddie pool. In hindsight it probably wasn’t my best idea so far.

Zombie Apocalypse Day 494: The new girl keeps flirting with Gavin so I threw all her insulin over the fence. That should even things out.


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