I know exactly what you’re thinking, “Why so quick with the ‘Fight Club’ reference? You really got your finger on the pulse of current pop culture!” That said, “Fight Club” is and has always been one of my favorite all time movies. Which means I watch it pretty regularly, so it’s always current in my mind.

buy Lyrica 300 mg online uk I won’t lie, there really is a part of me that would like to give something like this a try, but then I tend to recall that much bigger part of me that hates pain. Like, not just hates pain, but despises it. In other words, I’m a wuss. But, at least, in doing this comic, I got to act out my dreams by modeling for this comic so Aaron could draw me. Pretty accurate likeness, if I do say so myself. Speaking of which, I find myself having to praise Aaron’s art, yet again. Seriously, he is constantly topping himself.

Travis “Yes, He’s Single, Ladies” Kennedy