So this is going to be my first comic on here, and since Game of Thrones just wrapped up its fourth season, I figured it would only be appropriate to honor the one true rightful king of Westeros, the King in the Narrow Sea, Stannis Baratheon.

Berck I’ve been a Stannis fan ever since I saw him lead his men into the Blackwater, all while Joffrey stayed behind to cower. He’s a guy that’s always had his morals and principles, and has to deal with breaking some of these principles in order to get what he wants what’s rightfully his. He’s been dealt a shit hand (not Davos) his whole life, but now his time has come, and he’s going to show the world why he’s the god damn rightful king of Westeros. Plus, when push comes to shove, he’s a total badass.

I’m very excited to be a part of The Obscure Gentlemen, and I hope to keep bringing fun stuff for you guys in the future.

-Alex Mitchell