safe site to buy isotretinoin I was watching some clip of Cesar Milan kicking a dog that bit him and someone in the comments said they were a dog person. Instantly an image of a half man half dog popped into my head and I wondered how I could work with this. Instead of asking for the Dog Whisperer to be thrown out of Megadeth, I wrote me a comic. I was thinking about those people who can’t be around cats or dogs because they choose a side and how silly that is. Not the choosing a side part, but the not being able to be next to a doggo or kitty. Those people are the real monsters desu.

Simanggang As for that last panel. Twin Peaks is back and I felt the need to pay tribute in some form. Doggo Cooper or Dale Cooper, whichever you please. We just aren’t gonna talk about Judy!

– Aaron A. Alvarez

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