Roorkee Guest Cartoonist, Tom Falco of

I was excited when I had the opportunity to do a gueset cartoon for The Obscure Gentlemen (TOG) because I love the strip and the characters. 

I wasn’t sure what the concept would be, but with other guest cartoons I have done for others, the concept came to me quickly. As is the case with many comics from Charlie Brown to The Family Circus, so many of the chacters look alike, there is one slight difference many times and you can tell the characters apart that way, almost like twins, where you know them apart by one little difference.

When it comes to James and Nick in TOG, James is a bit heftier in the face and other than that their hair may be the defining item that sets them apart. And so, lo and behold, there was the cartoon. 

I don’t do the guys justice in my drawings, but that’s the point of guest cartooning, the guest cartoonist adds their own style to the well-known characters. If you look at the original strips at TOG, you’ll see they have changed a lot to get to today’s very styalized look.

I write and draw the comic panel (sometimes trip) Tomversation, and unlike TOG and so many other strips with a regular set of characters, my gag-a-day characters are different every day, almost like a “Love American Style” or “Alfred Hitchcock Presents”anthology series, so I don’t get the chance to experience the guest cartooning from the other angle, which is fine, I am a bit of a micromanager at times so I don’t think I would be as generous with my characters being drawn by others.

Hope you enjoy today’s strip. I had a lot of fun doing it.

— Tom Falco,