Angel In The Centerfold
Recently it seems that there have been a large amount of celebrity phone hacks occurring. To list a few, there’s been Scarlett Johansson, Christina Hendricks, and Olivia Munn. So far the craziest thing I’ve heard is the argument where they claim that all of the pictures were them except the one with actual nudity. I guess I don’t get why the don’t deny them all, it would make it easier to believe. Even crazier than that, is the lengths that people would go to try to prove that they are pictures of the celebrity, I won’t get into it here, because it’s too creepy.
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Celebrities get naked? Nice…
Very niiiiiice.
I’m slightly aroused and nauseated at the same time…
Exactly how I feel when I see the lady that plays Dexter’s foster sister on Dexter.
There’s a radio station that has a special on their website called March Hackedness with brackets to vote on favorite celeb photos. They’re down to the final two.
And who are these final two, I need to know strictly for research, of course.
I find it almost admirable you didn’t do a duck face in that photo… almost
Not all of us have managed to perfect the duck face the way Miley has.
Now I’m sad because of firefly being cancelled.
Exactly how I feel every day.
Far too pleased with himself for it not to be a legit picture…
What’s not to be pleased with?
Dang guys! You just offended your Bieber demographic!
We’ve actually been trying to find a way to alienate that demographic, so if this helped then it’s a success.
Isn’t that the coat John Cusack wore?
It’s actually meant to be a brown coat not unlike the one Mal Reynolds wore on Firefly. If it were supposed to be the John Cusack coat, we would all have seen too much because he’d be holding a boombox over his head.
Lol, yep, can’t un-see that 3rd panel…why do I keep looking?
No one can un-see that! That picture is like the Pringles canister of visual images, once you pop, you can’t stop.
Where is this leaked naked picture you speak of? This is quality blackmail material right here.
Trevor, much like myself, has no shame and thus can’t be blackmailed.
I wonder what that picture will do for his career?
I can say that the phones have been ringing off the hook, but mostly it’s been people begging me to take legal action to have them removed.
I must roll in the wrong circles. I’ve yet to see any nekkid celebrity pix nor any sex tapes. I gotta get out more. Sigh….
Getting out is overrated.
Oh, the things they can do with Photoshop. That arm was not there in the original!
Luckily for everyone, it got added.
Now that’s worth hacking
AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!! I can’t un-see it, I can’t un-see it!!!!
I would like to second the “thank you” to those hackers.
Scarlett Johansson. That scandal was the one that did it for me. Lol