There Can Be Only One
Chapter: Comic
I’m revisiting a lot of old school Disney cartoons and books because of my daughter. When I heard the Tigger song for the hundredth time I wondered why the hell he was the only one. I know they probably covered this in one of those newer Pooh movies but I’d rather think of a mad Tigger hell bent on the extinction of his own people. He then wanted to relax and not take himself seriously so he started hanging out with the rest of the mental patients at the good ole Hundred Acre Woods.
Gentleman James
I always assumed he’s a genetic mutation. The first and last of his time. Spliced with a Slinkee.
Because his dad screwed Kanga. That’s why he is the only one.
Tigger travels by hoping around on his tail. I can definitely see him causing some horrendous crime.
Ok, I guess Tigger is the Highlander. We should make sure, though. Throw him off a cliff, like they did in the movie. That should prove it.
Tigger’s always seemed kind of dubious to me. All that jumping’s not normal.
I always thought Ted Nugent hunted the rest of the Tiggers.
That’s not your father’s Disney!
Well I guess for your kid, it is.
Lmao. “Because I murdered them all”.
I’m pretty sure it’s because tigers are solitary animals who don’t share territory.
Like, they will murder the shit out of any other tiger that enters their territory.