Guest Comic:
unsmilingly What? You didn’t think… oooooh, you’ve got a sick mind, you do. Shame on all of you.
buy Lyrica in ireland Hope this isn’t too obscure (seriously, and I do mean this, no pun intended), but did anyone else out there ever try one of those water torpedo inflatable things you pull behind a boat? Google it, it’s a thing. If you ever want to get taken for a wet ride on a big rubber tube between your legs, then… wait, what was I saying?
Anywho, we’re very pleased to be the guest strip for the Gents this week. It feels like it’s been a long time coming. It’s always a blast chatting with them, and their strip gives us happy feelings in our special areas. From Canada with love, bitches. May your coffers overflow with poutine.
This idea came from a conversation about guest comics with Aaron on the Webcomic Creators Facebook group. I basically said when my turn came I was going to put the Gents in a “compromising position” with all of them in a row.
Well, it’s no rule 34, but they sure are all riding an inflated phallic symbol over water together. That’s got to count for something, right?
Oh yeah, and,,
Heh heh. Oh those lovable little poutine-sucking Canadian rascals.
I still don’t know how to pronounce twxxd
It rhymes with Next
I was hoping for human centipede
This does not surprise me.
Nicely done, gents. I never laughed so hard at half-nekkid men before. 🙂
[blinks] …those guys sitting on a giant rubber seems about right! [smirk]
It’s poetic, really.
It’s rare to see the whole gang in one comic, love it! 🙂
It’s almost as rare in real life!
The Obscure Watersportsmen! Great job, Brandon, love your take on the Gents!
They did great!
Thanks everyone. The best part was when all of the Obscure Gentlemen flew to Canada and modeled for this comic. I kept telling them “you don’t have to be naked” but they assured me it was necessary and they do this for all the guest strips.
I’ve been on one of the round donut inflatable things. I kept falling off on the corners