Maracaibo Nobody likes a troll and if you do anything on the internet you’ve experienced an attack from at least one. The thing I hate about trolls is that they don’t think that they’re trolls. They actually think they are handing out great critiques to what you do. Most of the items in panel one have been said to us and to the trolls who have said these things to us I offer you to please come by and EAT MY DICK (or any dick for that matter). I’ve seen trolls attack other web comic brothers and sisters and I wonder what makes it fulfilling to them to go on the internet and talk shit for no reason? Is it an act of vengeance? Were they raped by a rolled up newspaper with the Sunday funnies? Who knows so i say fuck em. Also to the web comicers I see attack other web comics or who have said shit about us. Fuck you! You mean nothing to us in the grand scheme of things. We do this comic for ourselves and those who do enjoy our bullshit weekly offerings. Gentleman “trolls can eat a dick” James