Obscure For A Penny Zero T2: World Series

phut Here we are. Face to face. A couple of silver spoons.

Congratulations on making it farther, and further, than 99.6% of OFAPZ contestants.

The winners of OFAPZ T2 will receive:

A Tweet To Comic

An Obscure Gentlemen shirt

The Title of Duke or Double Duchess


The championship is determined by a best-of-three Rounds/Themes. To win a round your team must win best of 3 of each round. This is a total of 3 tweets submitted from each warrior.

Theme 1: Remake The Ending Of A TV Show

Write a tweet in which you “fix” the finale of a TV show. Imagine if LOST hadn’t ended with a PSA for your local Presbytarian Church. Imagine if Battlestar Galactica had resolved its questions instead of flashing forward to the robot from Rocky IV doing a little popping and locking. Or on a more contemporary note, think about the recent finales to Game of Thrones, Veep, or Designing Women. Your reimagined ending can be more satisfying or simply ironically worse, but it has to be clever and make us laugh.

Theme 2: Freestyle


Theme 3: Your best “classic” tweet

Submit an original tweet posted prior to this contest commencing. The tweet cannot have been submitted to this or any previous OFAPZ contest. Just a personal fav.

Deadline: 8/28/2019 11:38am PST

Each member of your team must submit ALL three tweets. All of your tweets must be submitted to @theobscuregents to lock in your final round. The Theme 3 battle will only take place in the event of a tie.

And you’re off! On this lonely road. Tryin’ to make it home. Doing it by my lonesome, pissed off ya want some.