Obscure For A Penny Zero T2: Final Four

One contest stands between you and the championship round of the second-ever OFAPZ Team Tournament. Whom will rise to the occasion and whomst will experience the heartache and frustration of falling just short?

Whatever happens, all four of our final teams made it leaps and bounds further than the cocky trash-talkers of Team Rock Solid. You oughta be proud. You oughta be real proud. And speaking of the Internet’s second best-ever music podcast, your theme is music-related.

Theme: Parody Song Lyrics

Write your own lyrics to any popular song. That’s it. That’s all there is to it. You can choose any song you wish, but the more recognizable the better. See if you can top this:

Deadline:6/25 11:38am PST

How to Submit:
You should know what’s up by now. Good speed and God’s luck.