Obscure For A Penny Zero: Se7en

Sweet 16 Round: Picture Tweets

Congratulations on making it to the Sweet 16! The championship trophy
is closer than it’s ever been. But in a few days, half of you will be
dead (figuratively).

If you participated or watched our last tournament, you know that that
the picture tweet round produced some of the funniest tweets of the
entire contest. We’re hoping the same thing happens this time. No

Scroll down and take a look at the curated selection of photos below
this copy. Choose one, and post it with the test of your tweet. Your
tweet can be a caption for the picture, a story based on the picture,
dialogue for the scene in question, or a response or observation about
what you see.

Submit your tweet to @theObscureGents by 2/12/2018 11:38am PST