Farewell from Dust Piggies
This is the first of farewell images that I requested from some of my favorite web comikers. This image is from the notorious Mike Bromage the creator of Ja Ela Dust Piggies. I’ve known barehanded Mike on Twitter for awhile and have to say he’s one of my favorite madmen. To sum up the Dust Piggies is to say it looks and reads as if a serial killer did it. Go over to the Dust Piggies now and let Mike vomit on your soul.
is it me or is the image distorted?
Fixed it!
Looks like someone spilled their Koolaid…
The Kool Aid is what lured us into the boxes.
I guess it really will be a long vacation! Great job, Mike!
I’m honored to have people like Mike actually like what we’ve done!