Top 6 Pop Culture Moments of 2011
Time to do the time honored tradition of telling people what gave me erections in 2011 and what gave us the clap (is the clap still a thing?).
Top Movie Moment
Thor smashes a mug and then asks to ride off on the biggest dog or cat that the pet store has. Truly a horribly dumb moment that makes me laugh like a silly bastard each and every time I see it.
Top Comic Book Moment
My favorite moment in mainstream comics was when I stopped reading them this year. DC says fuck it and recreates it’s past in Image comics image and Marvel just decides to be as boring as Valiant back issues. I’ll still collect them in trade form but I’m no longer a slave to the weekly pull list. Someone call me in 5 years when the mainstream industry gets its shit together. (I still love the hell out of Fables)
Top Reality TV Moment
This year every contestant on Chopped survived Cancer or had their parents taken from them the day before the contest. I wonder if the judges could taste the death in their braised pork belly.
Top Web Comic Moments
Through InkOutbreak I found some truly amazing web comics that I read on a regular basis. Go read the following this instant you jerks! I am Arg!, Legacy Control, Crappy Puppet Show, Zombie Boy Comics, Bearman Cartoons, Gyno-Star, Ink on the Side and much much more
Top Dramatic Moment
Breaking Bad molested my senses and made me want to deal Meth while running a fried chicken store front.
Top Social Media Moment
I have met many a great web comic person on the Twitter this past year. People like Brad Joyce (whose web comic Weighed Down is coming soon in 2012) and Walter Shuler (author of the highly recommended and enjoyable book Blood & Brass) continuously supports us and other web comics with comments and retweets. It’s people like him that make doing this well worth it.
Wow, just checked out this interesting article and saw you mention Zombie Boy Comics! Thanks for the S/O! It has been an honor to associate with the Gents Obscure, not only do you put out killer material, you guys have also been so gracious and supportive. We’ve got a new year bearing down on us, and I’m looking forward to seeing what you Gents do next! Happy New Year all!
You’re welcome Sir. I’m glad I came across your comic this year. It deserves more attention.
Wow, thanks for the mention and recommend man! And it’s my absolute pleasure to support you guys as much as I can 🙂
You said “as boring as Valiant back issues”. DAMN! Nothing could be that boring, could it? Poor Marvel.
When will the publishers realize that you can’t preach continuity and then change everything around topsy-turvy whenever a new generation pokes its head in to take a peek cuz a new movie is out. Make them go round some back-issues, not upset all that I’ve learned in 30 years of being a comic fan.
Lemme get down from my soapbox. 🙂
I applaud you and your soap box!