All this week, the Obscure Gentlemen look back on 2011 and recall the pop culture artifacts that stood out. Today, Yama shares his Top 5 Moments of the year.

misoprostol without prescription Top Movie Trailer Moment
The moment in the 21 Jump Street trailer when Ice Cube’s character, who I imagine is listed on the screenplay as Copy-Paste Sassy Urban, declares, “DEY’S A NEW SYNFETIC DRUG AT SAGAN HIGH!” and the camera cuts away to Jonah Hill to hide the utter humiliation and defeat on Cube’s face. I hope the residual checks make the pain go away, old friend. Top Comic Book Moment
I haven’t kept up much with comics this year, but I did appreciate the moment when Frank Miller must have been like “Oops, I guess acting like my one-dimensional caricature of King Leonidas is not such a good idea in real life.”

Top Reality TV Moment
The moment in every reality competition show when the host is telling you what number to call to vote for a contestant, and the contestant is forced by the producers to do an epileptic jive routine, waving that number of fingers around and mouthing the number and doing the “phone to the ears” thing with their hand.

Top Social Media Moment
Twitter’s fictitious but all-too-real alcoholic narcissist Karl Welzein, AKA dadboner:
“If you see a man urinating on a car, and you don’t turn away, maybe it’s time to worry about your own sick pleasures and not the pee guy.”

Top Dramatic Moment
Breaking Bad’s fourth season finale. I have nothing snide to say. That was breathtaking.