Today we are unfortunate to have someone guest farewell for us that supports the Hitler youth movement like Mr. Cohen does. Gary is my internet arch nemesis who in reality lusts after me and wants to wear my skin so that he could maybe feel slightly more like a man. To see what a sack of used diapers that a hobo vomited on in comic form is go over to gabapentin to buy uk Mallville Rules. Tell em James sent ya.Gentleman James


I would like to send The Obscure Gentlemen off to its well deserved grave with a good old fashioned roast. What can I say about The Obscure Gentlemen that hasn’t already been said about the new Alex Cross movie?  I’m not saying The Obscure Gentlemen is bad, but it’s terrible.

So, James Alvarez was one of the first people I met on Twitter when I first started doing my comic Mallville Rules.  He is a super nice guy with a hot wife and a beautiful baby girl.  I don’t know how that can possibly be true unless she lost a bet with God.  Seriously, I assume she was Eva Braun in a past life.

What can I say about Aaron and Abe other than they both have names that start with A.  Aaron’s name starts with a double A which coincidentally is the equivalent battery size to his penis. And I think one of them is fat.  And I think maybe one of them draws this piece of crap.  I assume with the pencil clenched firmly in his butt cheeks.

I’m not sure who Nick and Yama are either.  Is Yama Japanese?  It sounds Japanese, right? And a nick is like a small cut.  It’s annoying but mostly harmless.  Maybe I do know Nick. Trevor seems kind of funny on Twitter some times.  Apparently, he’s the biggest pervert.  But in this group that’s like saying he’s the smallest whale, or the biggest pervert.

Can you believe it takes 7 guys to make this comic? This is like how many Polish guys does it take to screw in a lightbulb? That takes 6. One guy to hold the lightbulb and the other 5 to turn the ladder. I assume this comic is made the same way but it takes one guy to draw and write it and 6 guys to turn my stomach.

But I really will miss The Obscure Gentlemen comic.  It was the ultimate palate cleanser as a web comic.  It didn’t matter if the previous webcomic you read was funny, or clever, or mildly entertaining.  Once you read The Obscure Gentlemen all you could think was why am I reading this and how can I get more bleach in my eyes?

At least we still have their podcast or as I like to call it aural diarrhea.  I’m just kidding I’ve never listened to it. So we won’t miss them. Because even if you ignore the podcast,  there are still amber alerts, and assorted episodes of To Catch a Predator.


I’m out bitches! *drops keyboard*

Gary “ Ourense Mallville Rules!” Cohen