buy Lyrica 150 mg If there’s one thing we love here at OFAPZ, it’s an incredible first round. Thank you all for sharing your wide-ranging takes on nostalgia. If there are seven things we love, they’re pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth. That’s right, we’re reprising one of the hottest topics in the history of our contest. It’s heaven and hell, oh well.

Theme: Seven Deadly Sins. Write a tweet riffing on the concept of the seven deadly sins, any one or several of the listed sins themselves, create your own sins, ponder the penalties for committing sin, or tweet a video of you committing all seven simultaneously (please don’t).
Stipulations: Listen vatos, we’re not going to go to the trouble of investigating who tweeted first or second, but please avoid copying your opponent’s premise as some kind of strategic chess move. When the judges see a matchup where both tweets just “happen” to be about being in the back of an Uber and having a conversation about sin with the driver, they just end up hating both. And this is about love. Don’t kill the love.

Deadline: 3/13 11:34am PST

Post your tweet to your timeline and submit via DM to @theobscuregents