Rize Obscure For A Penny Zero: Holiday Special



Hello fam and MERRY WHATEVER YOU CELEBRATE. Here’s the thing. This is an OFAPZ tourney but it’s different. It’s about friends fighting other friends. Here’s the run down

-16 teams of 3 individual tweeters

-Each team needs to DM @theobscuregents to lock in their place. We need 3 @s and a team name for this.

-First theme will be given on Monday 12/5

-Each team will need to submit their tweets as per usual and tell me the order they are battling. So you’ll need an opener tweet a middle tweet and a closer.

-These tweets go against the other team in the order they submitted.

-The team that wins 2 of 3 moves on to the next round.

-There will be 3 winners total



Tweet to comic

OG mug, Stickers, Pins, an autographed picture of Dave Cactus




See old posts