ELITE 8: Bodies Every Body, Tweet About Bodies

Welcome to the Elite 8! You have come this far by plumbing the depths of evil and exploring the nature of fear itself. To survive this round, we’re challenging you to tweet about the most grotesque and tragic creation of them all: the human body!

This is a broad topic, so feel free to exercise your own creative discretion. Tweet about human bodies, human anatomy and physiology, medical procedures, the inherently absurd nature of physical being, the silly mechanics of sex and bodily functions, and so on and so forth.

Stipulations: Again, if the subtext of your joke is “I deeply resent my spouse,” we don’t want to hear it. Try counseling maybe? Also no fart tweets. We hate em.

Deadline: 10/23/2018 11:34am PST

Post your tweet to your timeline and DM it to @obscuregents

