The Gift of the Jedi
where to buy Lyrica cream The holidays are here! So go celebrate with your families or by yourself. Call it whatever the hell you want. None of it matters as long as you show some good will towards others. If you don’t want to celebrate then don’t that works too. Nobody is forcing anything on anyone so celebrate how you like. I’ll be sitting at home and worshiping the dark lord.
Happy Holidays ya filthy animals
Obscure Gent
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Oh Hi!!! Thanks for visiting my new comic. I thought you guys quit ages ago but look here you’s are still going.
I’m so glad my Dad wasn’t a Jedi Viking, but my parents did send me to the Navy. It was like the Pirate days. My parents called them, they turned up & kidnapped me kicking & screaming with a hessian sack over my head & the next thing I know they’re teaching me to shoot & kill people.
Actually that’s the exciting version. The reality version is that I volunteered all by myself.
We did quit for a year. Came back with a stronger format. I thought you died or were swallowed up by a large insect.
No after The Tasmanians I was at Atomic Underpants for about the last 2 years & have only just started my latest comic.
You forgot to say Spoiler Alert! “Star Wars 9: Jedi Christmas Vacation on the Viking Planet Ronulus”