Joke Grenade
Chapter: Comic
order Ivermectin Has someone ever told you a joke or made fun of you and you didn’t get it until later? Well, this is pretty much this comic. My friend Rob at work tells people not to piss on their balls all the time. At first I didn’t get it and just looked at him funny. Moments later I got it and loved the joke.
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Gentleman James
Love the Sub-Mariner t-shirt in the battle with Aquaman! There is something about getting a joke later that is both satisfying and demeaning. Genius!
To this day every time I go to the bathroom I think about this.
I hate it when someone rags on me and I think of the best comeback five minutes too late.
It’s a universal thing!
My knee-jerk reaction when someone tells me something I don’t understand is to thank them. It’s always interesting to see their reaction when they hear me say “Hey, thanks,” and they were insulting or threatening me.
This has also occasionally gotten me into a ton of trouble.
I’m stealing this tactic from you!
I would have held that guy down and shit on his head. Hey speaking of that, did everyone see the Obscure Gentlemen guest comic in Mallville Rules? I hope I got all of their names right.
And if you’re not a fan of The Obscure Gentlemen there’s also art from Twxxd. Those guys are good.
Nobody like you or your site Cohen! Now take your turn in Scrabble!
Now the question is, do you use that joke on someone else and release another joke grenade?
I already have. Many many times. Now pay it forward!
A man with elephantiasis of the scrotum probably wouldn’t find that joke funny, even 28 days later.
So, thats why I’m always pissing on me nuts-eh?!? I thought I was just a wee bit cold! [blinks]
Haha! I love you Jynksie
I laughed my balls off on this one!
Just don’t piss on em.
…or maybe you just have humongous balls? It’s a “half-full/half-empty” conundrum!
This. You did take on Aquaman in the water.
Humongous balls are a blessing and a curse.
I just want to know why he had that revelation at the playground. 😉
I guess we’ll never know.
(fourteen minutes later): I GET IT!!!
I’ve only just recently gotten what people were saying about me in 9th grade. Now it’s gonna take me 20 years to come up with a lame comeback.
To be fair, it’s hard to figure jokes out whilst you’re battling Aquaman…
Finaly. 🙂
I’m late to the party, but this is amazing.