Guest Comic: 6 Color Stories
“Long ago (by long I mean a few months) a webcomic folkswoman cried out in desperation as the most horrible of tragedies happened. Her internet died (DUN DUN DUN!). She begged and pleaded and to her surprise some gentlemen of the obscure kind agreed to come to her aid and create her a wondrous if not slightly objectionable guest comic (which caused me to up my rating). Forever in their debt (until now) she toiled and feared when she would be called upon to return the favor. Alas, her time came, as a similar plea for help was issued by the obscure gents and she rose to the occasion, because she’s cool like that. Thusly ends our tale, cause we know you’re bored by it. The End.
Allo, I’m Lynn from the journal/silly stories webcomic, 6 Color Stories. For the most part my comic is done in watercolors or when I’m lazy I use a kid’s set of markers. I started the comic last August when I was six months pregnant, which features some of that crazy stuff or sometimes it has little creatures called Fombies (Fun Zombies). Most of the time, it’s a random grab bag of happenings in my daily life.
I love the Gents’ Rejected series and wanted to come up with one of my own. The thought of people living vicariously through their children sparked the idea for a keg stand bottle.
Thanks for the opportunity guys, and I hope you all have a great weekend!
-Lynn Andrews”
Belt you. Ha! Such a beautiful phrase, describing the massacre forth coming.
It’s actually beat, but I like belt way better.
This is a beautiful and amusing comic. Great job, Lynn. You did the Gentlemen proud with this one. 🙂
Thanks! I had a really good time making this and was excited to do it for the Gents.
Beautiful art, Lynn. Love your take on the OG!
Thank you!
Excellent comic. I really like the color and the use of negative time.
It was fun to paint.
A skill every child should learn
Thanks for the guest comic again Lynn!
Thanks for the opportunity!