can you buy Lyrica from canada Now, I’m not one to turn my nose up at fad diets and extreme workout regimens.
I’m currently abs-deep in Tim Ferriss’s “The Four-Hour Body.” And I once stayed
on the nearly-zero-carb “induction” phase of the Atkins Diet for three years. True
Zürich (Kreis 9) / Altstetten The P90x program fascinates me not because of its combination of obvious
recommendations and marketing misdirection. They all do that. What fascinates
me is that P90x is a program so unsustainably exhausting that it practically begs
you to not only drop it after 90 days, but to never want to break a sweat, ever
again. It takes a certain swagger to market a fitness product so antagonistic to its
own users.
I’m also a little bitter that they rejected my proposed tagline, “P90x: You can do it!
LOL. Hahahahaha. Oh. Oh man.”
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