go to the website Obscure For A Penny Zero: Se7en


Championship Battle: Best of Three


We began this journey with 128 brave and hopeful souls. After many rounds of competition, excruciatingly funny and original tweets and a couple that were just plain excruciating, two contestants now stand on the precipice. For one, this final round will mean legendary status, bragging rights, and a few cool limited-edition Obscure Entertainment prizes. For the other…hey, making it to 2nd Place out of 128 people in the toughest Twitter joke competition on this entire website is still pretty damn inspiring and brag-worthy.


The winner of OFAPZ is determined by a best-of-three battle. Here are your themes.


Theme 1: Free Style

Write a new, original tweet on any topic and with any format you want.


Theme 2: Greatest Hits

Submit the best tweet you think you’ve ever written (must have been originally posted before the current competition began).


Theme 3: End a Friendship

Write a tweet that would end a friendship (real, hypothetical, historical, up to you).


Deadline: 2/22 11:34 a.m. PST

All three of your tweets must be submitted to @theobscuregents to lock in your final round. The Theme 3 battle will only take place in the event of a tie.


Good luck and god speed, POOZERS!