Ever since Buffy and Angel, I have hated Joss Whedon. Many ex-girlfriends would make me watch these shows and I was bored and angry at the man for what he created. As time went on, I realized that he wasn’t all that bad with one of my favorite X-Men runs on Astonishing, the late great Dollhouse, and of course Firefly. With all these great accomplishments, I denied his greatness due to the bad taste Buffy had left in my mouth. Then came the magical day of May 4th. It was midnight and the Gentlemen (minus Yama) had assembled to see the Avengers. Mr. Whedon took me through emotions ranging from I want to have sex with Whedon to I want to have a lot of sex with Whedon. In other words, I loved that movie and now consider Mr. Whedon one of my favorite director/creator/writers (Buffy aside).


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James “Also a disciple of death” Alvarez