Obscure For A Penny Zero 11: OFAPZ is For the Children Sweet 16
Congratulations, contestants! You have tweeted your way to the Sweet 16 round. Only the cleverest of the clever make it this far. And whether you advance closer to the championship depends on one thing: THE FUCKING PICTURE ROUND.
Yes, we know you hate it. Yes, we polled the audience and you overwhelmingly voted against it . But just like when you were a kid, some things aren’t up to you little buddy. Now be a dear and come up with an amazing picture tweet, okay champ? lil’ lady, lil’ guy, KIDDO!
Theme: Picture Tweets. Choose your own photo (personal or swiped from the Internet) and craft a tweet based on your image. Your tweet can be in the form of an observation or commentary about the image, dialogue for the scenario being depicted, or macro text directly typed on the image itself. The only stipulation is that your photo choice and tweet have to relate to childhood. Use your best judgment to make that determination.
Deadline: 9/20 11:38am PST
Post your tweet to your own timeline and DM the link to @theobscuregents.
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