Obscure For A Penny Zero: OFAPZ is for the Children

Round Three: At Play

Ahh, childhood. A time filled with play. Whether it was bouncing around inside your very own Balzac with your friend that used you for having every Transformer, or racing to the finish in Crazy Taxi on Sega Dreamcast. Gathering in the schoolyard for a game of “Please Mr. Crocodile, May We Cross the Water (Yessir You May, If’n Ye Be Wearing Something Blue)” or sitting in a dark closet with My Buddy and Kid Sister, enacting the ancient Ritual of Aiueb G’nshal. Whatever the case may be, we can all agree that some of the best memories we have involve the joy and wonder of play. Let’s celebrate those experiences with some tweets.

Theme: Tweet about toys and games, analog or digital, real or made-up. Kids playing! This is sandbox to play in people.

Restrictions: No Humpty Dumpty or Fred Flintstone tweets

Deadline: 9/18/2019 11:24 amPST

Bracket: https://challonge.com/48s4vqw5