Round Two: Nursery Rhymes

Shhhhhhhhh, mijo. The baby’s sleeping. Why don’t you sing them a little nursery rhyme. And no, Slick Rick’s “It’s a Boy” doesn’t count. 
We’re talking about the classics. Mother Goose. Humpty Dumpty. Rock-a-Bye Baby. Not to be confused with the weird Shawn Mullins hit song “Lullaby.” The first and last song to rhyme “there” with “Dennis Hopper, Bob Seeger, and Sonny and Cher.”

Anyway. Rewrite the lyrics to your favorite nursery rhyme, comment on the subject of nursery rhymes, etc. Do what thou wilt.

Theme: Nursery Rhymes

Note: If you don’t think your tweet is about or a nursery Rhyme then it probably isn’t. Do not bother the astonishing person known as @Obscuregent with such questions.

Deadline: Wednesday 9/11 11:38am PST