Obscure For A Penny Zero: T2

Round Two. Fight!

Congratulations on surviving the bloodbath that was Round One. Your humble judges are grateful for the creativity and wit you put on display. So, so much wit and so, so many tweets. Now we want you to do it again.

The challenge for this round is to put a new spin on one of the most popular humor tweet formats: dialogue. Write a tweet in the form of a conversation between two or more entities. But there are a few stipulations. Namely, you need to avoid the most obvious and overused clichés of the format.

Theme: Dialogue tweets.


No “Sir, this is an Arby’s” style punchlines.
No job interviews.

No Barista

No Bautista

No conversations with God.

No therapists.

No genies.

And did we mention no “Sir, this is a ____” interactions with fast-food cashiers?

Deadline: June 12th 11:34am PST

How to Submit: Post your tweet to your own timeline and send it via DM to @theobscuregents in your team DM room