Let the tweeting commence! Round One is a massive undertaking from a judging perspective, so we’re also making it one of our most challenging in terms of restrictions. You have 10 words. That’s it. You can use fewer, but no more. You can structure your tweet any which way you want Pretty much tweet any humorous joke you want in 10 words or less. Good luck having a conversation with your fed-up spouse or confusing a barista with your meandering stream-of-consciousness ponderings!

Theme: 10 Words or Less

Restrictions: No meta-tweets about the fact that you are attempting to tweet with only 10 words or participating in a tweet contest. We didn’t spend all this building a fourth wall to have you break it down in the first round, Kool-Aid Men (and Women).

Due: June 4 11:34am Send Tweets and order of which tweets start middle and finish for your team.

Answers to Real Questions:

-One emoji count as 1 word

-An action counts as a word (yes, this has been asked)

-When the Stray Cats play “Rock This Town” while on tour, they replace the words “this town” with the name of the town they’re playing. For example, “We’re gonna rock Houston, rock it inside out!”