Obscure For A Penny Zero: Plan 9 FINALS
Obscure For A Penny Zero: Plan 9
The Grand Finale: Best of Three
Just a few short weeks ago, 128 foolhardy contestants lined up for our opening round. Today, it’s all down to just two. The judges want to take a moment to acknowledge the many brilliant, fresh and funny voices that were snuffed out tragically over the course of this contest. Sometimes, it was just the luck of the draw. Sometimes it was a heated debate that came down to one vote’s difference. And sometimes ya done fucked up, buddy. There’s always next time.
Enough of this maudlin voice-over, let’s name our winner! The championship is determined by a best-of-three battle. Here are your themes.
Theme 1: Tweet About Magic
Write a tweet involving the theme of Magic (the concept of supernatural abilities, spells and potions and wands, NOT the sporting team from the city of Orlando).
Free Style
Write a NEW, original tweet on any topic and with any format you want.
Theme 2: Greatest Hits
Submit the best tweet you think you’ve ever written (must have been originally posted before the current competition began).
Theme 3: Free Style
Write a NEW, original tweet on any topic and with any format you want.
Deadline: Monday 10/29/2018 11:34am PST
All three of your tweets must be submitted to @theobscuregents to lock in your final round. The Theme 3 battle will only take place in the event of a tie.
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