OFAPZ PLAN 9: Round 1
OFAPZ 9: Famous Monsters (aka, Round 1)
Here we go, contestants! A great man once said that to defeat monsters, we must become monsters. Or something. So let’s channel the darkness within with tweets about some of the greatest villains and monsters in fictional history.
Theme: Tweets about famous horror and sci-fi villains, monsters, and bogeyman. You can tweet in the voice of one of these characters, or tweet about them. Up to you!
Restrictions: New content only. And no tweets about Fredward Krueger or Jason Voorhees. Too predictable!
Deadline: 10/8/2018 11:38am
Post your tweet to your own timeline and then DM the tweet to @theobscuregents
Once both tweets are turned in judging will commence.
Bracket HERE: https://challonge.com/p21c2bw5
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