Comic Con 2016
It’s been almost 8 years since I last entered the arena known as the San Diego International Comic Con. The walls were the same, but did my love for the nerdery still engage me on a level that only a Slayer or a Danzig concert could replicate? The answer is, YES! Seeing the droves of people embracing the nerdom that they love is a beautiful thing. This is holy ground and people can be free to do what they want. Now I won’t bore you with the details of the panels or the drinking that occurred. Instead I’ll share with you pics of my favorite things and people that I saw.
Meeting up with my good friend and fellow comic creator Saeed. Saeed is the master behind the Frumps.
The famed escalator view that everybody takes pics of.
An army of Ash parading down the street!
Gonna drive this summa bitch through a mall.
Somebody get me these!
Rogue One clothes
Rick Sanchez
Being a huge Dragonball Z fan, this was my favorite couple.
The real Toki Wartooth, I assume.
Amazing attack on Titan Cosplay. One of my favorites over all.
Buy me this!
Attractive people cosplaying as Nathan Drake and the Scarlet Witch.
The mistress of magnetism.
Armored up Nintendo princesses.
Don’t buy this for me, just stare at it.
Dragonball Z figures I will buy one day.
Who doesn’t want a Mega Man helmet?
My daughter’s favorites. Anakin and Padme.
My NEW favorite hero. One Punch Man!
Ace and Gary!
Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn.
Yoga Flame
Bioshock Infinite.
Nobody Cosplays as the first Daario.
More things that I want.
Lion Voltron is the only Voltron.
Finally a Midnighter.
I love couples that do cosplay right.
Non store bought costumes are my favorite.
Shepard and Tali.
No description necessary.
My good friend Travis from PLAIN ZERO as Star Lord and a Gamora.
V! I loved the touch with the mouse that they had.
My favorite as a kid.
By far the best Game of Thrones Cosplay at Comic Con.
His smile was the best part.
The Tardis!
The best original spin on an existing concept.
THese guys don’t need to cosplay since they always look like the actors.
Sailor Moon and Goku.
Broly has never looked better.
Until next year, farewell from the Obscure Gentlemen!
Obscure Gent
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