Barn Raising To Cure Alzheimers
Recently we were asked to help out with a pledge drive to assist in finding the cure and treatment of alzheimer’s disease. We’ve have loved ones afflicted with this disease and were more than happy to help out. To do so we donated some art work, T-Shirts, stickers, and custom Obscure Gentlemen AVIs. So if you would like any of these items or any of the other items that have been donated just follow the below instructions.
- Go to the actual donation page for the Cure Alzheimer’s fund here:
- Visit the site here: Then decide what prize you want. (Ours or any other)
- DM Twitter this account: @Mon_Night_Barn and let them know the specific prize and show proof (screenshot of the amount you donated)
- Feel happy that you donated to assist in finding the cure.
Two parodied comic book covers tackling Alzheimer’s. Both comic prints will be signed and framed and sent to you.
Obscure Gent and Obscure Aaron
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