Peer Artwork: ESCA Works
I’ve been a fan of Andrei Esca’s web comic Esca Works for a while now. I first found his comic when someone sent me an image of his character Sam who resembles the Gentlemen character James (A.K.A. Me). I started reading all of his comics because I’m vain and like looking at cartoon versions that resemble me. Besides of vanity, his comic is drawn beautifully and humor escalates him above most comics that I used to read (So, go to his site now!). This bastard also took a long hiatus awhile back so it’s good to be able to see brand new content from him. One of the things he did recently was draw the 6 Gentlemen. I feel honored to have our characters drawn by this man and love the fuck out of how he made me extremely ripped. So gaze upon his beautiful artwork and be in awe!
Great work and a social media beast!!