6 Questions with Andrew Gregoire Creator Of I Am Arg!
Today we bring to you the first of 6 question interviews that I’m doing with the disturbed minds who create some of my favorite web comics. I’m starting out week 1 with Andrew Gregoire the artist/writer of I am Arg! If you haven’t read this web comic before then you are missing vulgar well thought out madness. The first time I read Arg! I had to go back and read the entire catalogue and instantly wanted to felate the guy.
ARG!: It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. It’s something I wanted to accomplish. I find so many weird things funny that I just felt the need to share what I think with other people. Comic strips were the ideal place to convey that. I love to draw, I love to laugh. Thankfully the two things mesh really well together. Also bitches love Webcomics.
The OG: Your artwork is on the higher end than most web comics. What other artist’s souls do you steal when you draw or who do you admire enough to place on your artist Mt. Rushmore.
ARG!: Thanks, it’s always nice to hear somebody say nice things about your work.
As for my influences this changes a lot for me but currently I’m in Artlove with Mike Krahulik(penny arcade), Bill Presing, Bobby Rubio (both Pixar story artists), Stephen Silver, Bruce Timm(FUCKING BATMAN YO), Shane Glines, Glen Keane, John K, Dean Yeagle, Skottie Young… I always hate this question because there are so many Artists out there that I love. Basically, If you’ve got a very “Graphic” or “animated” appeal to your art, I’m probably gonna be a fan of it. If you can draw da boobies well, me likey. but for suresies, I’ll say Bruce Timm and Bill Presing have been the two biggest influences on me in the last couple of years.
The OG: Your comic doesn’t shy away from vulgarities or genital fondling (thankfully). Why did you choose to not keep it PG?
ARG!: Well simply, I don’t think in PG. I’m an adult with a twisted sense of humour. I look at porn, I swear, I laugh at the Darwin awards and I think angry thoughts sometimes. These things aren’t Taboo to me. I just try to be honest about what makes me laugh and why, and make comics based around that ideal. I like taking things one step further, sometimes it’s vulgar and crude but I hope it’s always funny.
The OG: I couldn’t do a story arc in our web comic if someone offered me an adamantium laced skeleton. How was it coming up with your 10 part epic you recently had?
ARG!: I have been itching to do something more character and narrative driven for months now. ARG’s fun and all, and I love the gag a day style format I’ve got going. But I’m a storyboarder at heart. So when the Holiday break came around this past year, It made sense to try something I haven’t done. I had this idea about making a grandiose story about how I got my hat that was 1 part Spider-man, 2 parts Lion king, 1 part skyrim, and the rest dick jokes. Fun fact: my first draft didn’t have a single dick joke in it. It was a lot of work to finish it all up before I went on vacation, but it was super fun. And a couple of the ideas in it have made their way into something else i’m writing…
The OG: What are you looking to achieve with doing a web comic?
ARG!: My goal is to get a book out for june or so… That’s been my goal since I started ARG. The first year’s worth of strips in a collected format. With the help of wonderful readers, ARG has grown into something more than just a webcomic for me now and I’d like to see where that’ll go. I’d love to be able to live off of making comics, and that’s a road I’m certainly walking down but it’s a long way till I can support myself that way. So I’ll continue to work in Animation, freelance and keep making ARG till I get to a point where I can.
Eventually, I want to launch my other strip. I’ve got 60 strips for it already written and ready to draw I just have to find the time TO draw it. It’s more character driven and less vulgar than ARG. But I’m super excited for it. I hope people like it too.
The OG: Wolverine Vs. Link from Zelda, Who wins?
ARG!: I want to, in my heart of hearts, say Link… but Wolverine with his skeleton and healing powers will rip Link a new one before navi can even target the bastard.
Discussion (9) ¬
Great stuff.
How long did it take you to achieve your look for the comics?
Fun interview everyone! Thanks for turning me on to I Am Arg!, great stuff!
Love his stuff.
I hadn’t heard of this series before, but I’m surely gonna check it out now. Thanks for shining the spotlight on it!
It’s a really funny web comic. You’ll love it!
Interesting web comic, interesting questions