Pain Killer
Chapter: Comic
buy prednisone for dogs online uk Last week, Aaron started experiencing abundant amounts of pain in his face. It forced him to barely touch the meats on swords at a Brazillian barbecue place and as of Sunday, he couldn’t complete Monday’s comic. So I told him to just draw one panel of him bitching about his tooth and I would handle the rest. After 20 minutes of using MS Paint, this is what you get. Hopefully, Aaron will go to the dentist by Wednesday so that we may return to our usual brand of comic.
James “Can you spot the 3 different Danzig skulls” Alvarez
Ha Ha Nice Aaron turd. You did pretty good James. I did my 1st few comics on MS Paint & they were pretty woeful
This is the second time I’ve used MS Paint and it was pretty fun. I’ll leave the usual artwork to Aaron moving forward.
those are some mad paint skills
Thanks! It came out better than I thought it could.
You draw an amazing turd, my friend. 😀
Draw? I thought he crapped it on the page.
Drawing turds is my business and business is good.
And it still is far better than 85% of the webcomics out there.
All this while watching Food Truck Wars at the same time. thank you Sir.
Every time I see this feed all I think of is PAIN!PAIN! KILLER!KILLEEEEER!!!!!!