Fantasy Football
Chapter: Comic
where can you purchase clomid Today’s comic came to me after a Tweet I sent out a couple of weeks ago. The football season is now over and I have a while till I have another season of fantasy football to stress out about. In real fantasy football I would draft Burt Reynolds first, since his mustache can break worlds.
buy gabapentin 300 mg online I wrote this before the Super Bowl, so I’ll predict the Patriots win 21 to 17. If I get that right I will find Burt Reynolds and make love to his mustache.
Hallelujah Holla-Back,
Wow, you had the score right but the teams reversed. Pretty impressive.
Since this was posted after, I think he was fooling us.
He actually wasn’t believe it or not.
It was in the original script I was sent Saturday night.
My brother…he’s a wizard.
Gandalf the Wide…..Receiver.
So wait are you telling me we won’t get to see you making love to Burt’s Moustache?! OH COME ON!
One day it will happen, if I have anything to do about it!
I can’t get the mustache ride since the score was reversed but I will cover myself in vasaline and wear cowboy boots in his honor.
haha, that was hilarious. And good guess. Almost had it.
There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will to Win!
Personally, I enjoy the time off from football… for about 3 weeks. Then I just curl up into a ball until it’s back. But man, for those 3 weeks…
Love it! I don’t follow much football, but a big Tebow fan.(OK, start throwing the tomatoes now…)
Tom Selleck’s mustache > Burt Reynolds. Jus sayin.
That’s a good point but Burt Reynold’s stache was always accompanied by an awesome wig. Advantage Burt!
You, and you alone, can carry the football into Mordor.
Do I need to be American to get it? Who’s the bearded guy?
Oh… Never seen it