Bacon Aside… This Is The Best Damn Sandwich I’ve Ever Eaten
raving Today’s comic is a design that I wish could be on a t-shirt someday. Since it’s October
and I love the shit out of the “Jill Sandwich” quote I thought it was a fitting
comic to show. I also wanted to fit in Barry’s quote “It’s okay, I got this!”
which is said while he is holding a giant hand cannon, but we just didn’t have
the room for that. I also wanted to say that I saw The Avengers trailer and the little kid in me is very
excited, and I’m looking forward to the movie as well. Hey Yo! You see what I
did there?
Hallelujah Holla-Back,
A Jill sandwich??? I must admit I don’t get it???
You should get a Playstation 1 and play Resident Evil, and you will get it.