Sexist? More Like Sexy
Chapter: Comic
can you buy neurontin over the counter Call me crazy, but I don’t remember Snow White ever showing her vagina. Halloween is upon us and people wear so-called “sexy” versions of characters. Since woman have all the fun I ask for men to start sexifying their outfits. Whip out those balls gentlemen! Show the world that Darth Maul and Mr. Smee can be just as irresistible as a slutty Cinderella costume.
James “I’m going as sexy Ziggy for Halloween” Alvarez
What about all those guys who dressed as borat in that swim suit?
The lime green color of the swimsuit makes it un sexy.
….but…but what if you wanna be a sexxy eunich?
Trick question! Eunich’s are pure sexy.
Hey look! It’s Hung Solo!
I thank you for this comment. It made everything worth it.