Who Shot First?
Chapter: Comic
Bayeux It’s no secret that George Lucas is once again altering all of his Star Wars movies for their release on blu-ray. And of course this has plenty of fans upset. I understand the anger, but I’m over it. At this point, I really don’t care any more. He’s been doing this for well over ten years now and it’s just something that I’ve come to expect. The truth of the matter is I’m going to be buying these blu-rays anyway, if only because I’ve never owned any of them in any incarnation and I’ve decided it’s time that I do.
Catende Travis “I have a bad feeling about this” Kennedy.
Discussion (18) ¬
Lucas should make another remake where the blasters are replaced with super soakers and Chewbacca turns their duel into a wet t-shirt contest.
I think that’s actually in the porn parody, and if it isn’t, it should be.
In the porn parody they shoot each other in the face. And there are no guns involved.
Sounds like a drama.
I grew up loving the Star Wars movies (original ones that is) and I’ve just completely given up on them. I know that they were good back in the day before episodes 1 through 3, before the animated series, before all the digital edits. I’ve heard the new Cartoon Network series is good but the whole franchise has been pissed on enough that I don’t really care anymore. So to hear that there are new edits again is just another drop of “meh” in the bucket of me being over Star Wars.
It could have been worse, though. They could have gone the E.T. route and turned the guns into walkie talkies.
I thought they turned the guns into hippies instead of terrorists.
So lame.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the new, new, new version just has Han giving Greedo a nice bouquet of flowers.
4 versions after that may eventually lead to the both of them making out. I hope I’m dead by then.
Lucas is just the beginning. One day all of history will be tweaked, and we have the technology to do it. Really fun strip. Love the art!
Glad you enjoyed the strip!
True! Next Greedo won’t even spontaneously combust, he’ll… (she’ll? the actor was a human woman) just have replacement subtitles that say something about being very sleepy and seeking a nap on a bar booth table.
Perhaps it was Luke’s smelly feet that took out the alien. (Not being a Star Wars fan I assume it’s Luke…)
Maybe in the new version, Han will bend down to pick up a lucky penny just as Greedo shoots, then the blaster shot hits a mirror behind Han and Greedo ends up shooting himself. Then, Han can shed a single tear and give a little speech about how he believes all life is precious, while simultaneously, someone (a jawa?) releases a single dove (space-dove).
I nominate Jarod as our official Star Wars master of ceremonies.
You just wrote a perfect Star Wars script.