I was walking outside of my apartment complex and was hit in the face with the smell of manure. This then transported me to high school where a dumb faux punker stated “oh man, it smells like sex out here” when smelling manure. I thought to myself that this guy must be doing it up with hobos. So anytime you smell a hint of manure in the air remember that this is someone’s sick I idea of sex.

Note that in the last panel are characters from a web comic I greatly admire Crazy Sunshine. We used Jkun’s characters since he best answered the question of why a horse with play a guitar solo with a giant erection is thinking of Batman? Go over to his site via any of the hyper links provided or even his link on the right under Comics of the Apocalypse. You’ll thank me later. You will also be pleased to know that next week’s 6 question interview will also feature Crazy Sunshine.


James “Anime prostitutes actually smell like a brand new Transformer” Alvarez